WElcome to mt YNGWIE page, d00dz!

Yngwe This page is dedacaded to Yngwie Malmsten, THE BEST GUITAR PLAYER ON THE WOLRD!

A lot of people ask, so I'Ll tell yuo... "Yngwie" is pronounced "Ying Wee", because he is form China He plays something called 'neo-clasical' guitar, which means he is a notsi who plays guitar, except he doesn't shave his head like othe neo-notsis because he wants to keep his 80s hair.

NEWS! I JUST GOT A SCANER! Ill be adding scans of the CD covers and stuff over the netx few weeks, so check here a lot. Heres what I have so far: Fire and Ice this is the cover of Yngiwe's CD "Fire and ice'. Magnum Opus this is YNgwie's "Magnum Opus CD which is a concept album about a cartoo n penguin that is a privat investagator in Flordia and drives a really cool ferrari.

here is his other CD trilogy:TRilogy...here is some other stuff which will be coming soon when I have more time

Patron of the year


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