
What's New at The Gabbo Network |
July 26th, 2000 -- I wrote a mailing list script to allow people to sign up for notification when things change at my sites. Basically, just fill in your name and email address, choose the sites you want, and when content changes at any of the sites you choose, you will be emailed.
July 23rd, 2000 -- I've spent the last week working on a complete redesign of the site, and it is finally online.
June 13th, 2000 -- I have converted over the #ytsejam IRC Page that Irene maintains and set it up on my site.
April 16th, 2000 -- I gave my personal site a complete overhaul.
April 4th, 2000 -- My fiancee, Irene Raceu, has moved her homepage to my site.
March 31st, 2000 -- I have moved my Dream Theater site over to this site and redesigned it.
March 16th, 2000 -- A company called CCNOW has made it possible for me accept credit cards for online ordering. I've set up The Gabbo Network Store, which offers two T-Shirts I designed.
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