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Fun Pictures

These are fun pictures dealing with entertainment, humor, recreation, fun, vacations, etc...


Yes, folks, it's the imfamous Barney picture. Taken at a beach resort in New Jersey.
This is a picture of me piloting an actual New York City Harbor Patrol boat around Manhattan.
This is a picture of my sister-in-law Molly and I on one of the lions outside the New York Public Library.
This is me with Mujibur and Sirajul, two NYC store owners made famous by David Letterman.
From the look of this interior, you would never guess where this photo was taken. See next pic for answer.
Here is the external shot of the building from the previous picture, in Traverse City, MI. Yes, it's for real.
This is me at Six Flags in Eureka, MO climbing a rock wall, American Gladiators style.
Here I am relaxing at Peace Park in Columbia, MO on the Mizzou campus.
This was taken in the small creek that runs through Peace Park.
Irene and I hanging out with Ray Alder of Fates Warning after a concert in Cincinnati, OH.
Irene and I with Joey Vera who was playing bass on tour with Fates Warning.
Irene and I with a great Ohio band called Tempo Tantrum who opened at the show.


If you are reading this text, I apologize. It was never intended for humans, it's just meant to force this page to layout the way that I want it to in Netscape. Please ignore this text and enjoy the rest of my site.

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last modified: Friday, July 14, 2000