Fun Pictures
These are fun pictures dealing with entertainment, humor, recreation, fun, vacations, etc...

 | Yes, folks, it's the imfamous Barney picture. Taken at a beach resort in New Jersey. |
 | This is a picture of me piloting an actual New York City Harbor Patrol boat around Manhattan. |
 | This is a picture of my sister-in-law Molly and I on one of the lions outside the New York Public Library. |
 | This is me with Mujibur and Sirajul, two NYC store owners made famous by David Letterman. |
 | From the look of this interior, you would never guess where this photo was taken. See next pic for answer. |
 | Here is the external shot of the building from the previous picture, in Traverse City, MI. Yes, it's for real. |
 | This is me at Six Flags in Eureka, MO climbing a rock wall, American Gladiators style. |
 | Here I am relaxing at Peace Park in Columbia, MO on the Mizzou campus. |
 | This was taken in the small creek that runs through Peace Park. |
 | Irene and I hanging out with Ray Alder of Fates Warning after a concert in Cincinnati, OH. |
 | Irene and I with Joey Vera who was playing bass on tour with Fates Warning. |
 | Irene and I with a great Ohio band called Tempo Tantrum who opened at the show. |

If you are reading this text, I apologize. It was never intended for humans, it's just meant to force this page to layout the way that I want it to in Netscape. Please ignore this text and enjoy the rest of my site.