I am an avid movie buff. I have approximately 600 movies on VHS, and about 1/10th that many on DVD. I have DVD on my laptop and one of my two home computers, as well as a Sony DVD player with a Kenwood 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound system in the living room. I enjoy a pretty wide range of movies, from Sci-Fi to Action/Adventure, to Dramas and True-Life Stories, to Comedies, etc. I'll watch just about anything once.
Below is a short list of my favorite movies. It is by no means complete, and not in any particular order other than the order I thought of them in.
- The Matrix
- The Usual Suspects
- Batman
- Batman Returns
- Knight Moves
- Suicide Kings
- The Ref
- Stargate
- Independance Day
- The Abyss
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Green Mile
- The Dark Half
- The Rock
- True Lies
- The Stand
- Dolores Claiborne
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day
- Stand By Me
- Highlander