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If it isn't obvious by now, computers are a major part of my life. I suppose that saying that isn't so uncommon now, since computers play such a major role in all our lives, but a good portion of my life is spent on the computer.

I have been using computers since gradeschool, most of my work day involves working with computers, several of my classes at night are computer related, and after I get home, I spend several hours online talking with my fiancee, Irene, who lives in Michigan.

I build computers for myself and for others, I'm a Network and Systems Administrator on a moderately sized Windows NT / Windows 98 network, and I have my own computer network running at home with my laptop, and two computers I have built.

I also do a ton of web design. You have probably noticed Reality Squared Design credited at the bottom of all my sites. That is my design outlet, which I am the sole member of.

I enjoy just about everything computers have to offer, from games, to graphics, to publishing, to organization and information resources. If you would like to learn more about my history with computers, you can. Or you can take a peek below to see what my current computer configuration is.

ModelBuilt myselfBuilt myselfCompaq Presario 1690
ProcessorIntel Pentium III 600Intel Pentium II 400AMD K6-2 400
MotherboardA-Bit BE-6A-Bit BH-6Unknown
Memory256MB PC100128MB PC100192MB PC100
VideoDiamond Viper
V770 Ultra 32MB
Diamond Viper
V550 16MB
ATI Rage3D
LT Pro 8MB
SoundSoundBlaster Live!SoundBlaster Live!Aureal A3D
CD-ROMToshiba 6x DVDToshiba 40x CDToshiba 4x DVD
Hard Drives8.4G Seagate ATA/668.4G Seagate ATA/666.4G ATA/33
8.4G Seagate ATA/668.4G Seagate ATA/66none
ModemSupraMax 56Knone56k ITU V.90
Network10/100 PCI10/100 ISALinksys 10/100 PC Card
Monitor19" .25dp 1600x120017" .27dp14.1" TFT Active Matrix
ExtrasLogitech WebcamPhilips 2x CD-R
IDE Iomega Zip
9600dpi Scanner
InternetAll computers are networked with a DSL Internet connection.

And for those of you who care about the programs that I perfer using for everything, here they are:

Operating SystemWindows 98 Second Edition
Office SuiteMicrosoft Office 2000 Premium
GraphicsGraphics SuiteCorel Suite 9
Graphics ViewingGraphics Workshop Professional
Video EditingPersonal AVI Editor
InternetInternet BrowserNetscape Navigator
Instant MessagingICQ
HTML Editornotepad.exe
AudioMedia PlayerWindows Media Player
MP3 PlayerWinAMP
MP3 EncoderAudioCatalyst
Audio EditorGoldwave
UtilitiesFile CompressionWinZip
ConfigurationTweak UI
Tweak All
Screen SaverSnoqualmie
Virus ProtectionAnti-Viral Toolkit Pro
CD-R RecordingAdaptec Easy CD Creator
CD-R VerificationUbi-Soft File Compare

A member of:
The Gabbo Network
All content, images, code, and scripts are copyright 1995-2025 Reality Squared Design. All Rights Reserved. Material cannot be used without prior permission.

last modified: Friday, July 14, 2000