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Pictures with Irene

Here are pictures of my fiancee.


This are Irene and I all dressed up after seeing Phantom of the Opera in Detroit.
This was taken at Clifton Park in Saint Louis, a park that Irene and I frequent. She is standing on the bridge where I proposed to her on November 24th, 1999.
Irene and I on top of the Castle in Clifton Park.
Irene and I on a set of stairs at Clifton Park.
Irene and I near my parent's property in rural Missouri.
Here's Irene on the road near my parent's place.
Here we are along the road down from my parent's place.
Here's Irene at Peace Park in Columbia, MO.
And another.
This is a nice picture of Irene and I sharing a kiss in Peace Park.
Here we are in my old dorm room at Mizzou, with my favorite artist, M.C. Escher, on the wall behind us.
Nothing quite like cuddling.
Here is Irene on the couch in my living room.
Irene on the steps at the base of the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis.
Here I am with Irene after she graduated with her Associates Degree in Midrange Computing.
Here I am with Irene's dog, Lassie.


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last modified: Friday, July 14, 2000