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Furry Critters

Pictures of family pets, past and present.


This is my cat Roland when he was just a tiny kitten. I named him after the title character of Stephen King's Dark Tower saga.

He died on September 17th, 2000. He was almost exactly 3 years old.
Here is Roland dining on Irene's duffel bag.
Here he is playing with a miniature Pumpkin around Thanksgiving 1997 when I first got him.
Roland bravely defends himself from Irene's foot.
Roland and I share a mutual love for Mountain Dew.
Roland plays with his new Christmas toy.
Not even the Christmas decorations are safe from Roland.
Roland investigates dinner.
Roland investigates dinner.
Any time something changes in the house, Roland has to investigate. Sometimes he doesn't even wait until you finish.
He must have something for ladders.
Like any cat, Roland gets into damn near everything.
Ain't he cute?
Who said chihuahuas are the only animals who like Taco Bell?
Roland waiting for me to get home.
This is Squirt. He was my second cat, who is now taken care of by an aunt.
Here I am with Squirt on my grandparents' back porch.


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last modified: Sunday, September 17, 2000