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I am not a professional photographer by any means, but every once in a while I end up getting a really cool picture of something. They don't really fit in anywhere else, but I like them enough to include them.


This is an old stone bridge crossing over a lake in the lower portion of Central Park in New York City.
Manhattan from The Empire State Building.
Here is a view of the streets below the Empire State Building.
This view of one of the World Trade Center towers really puts things in perspective.
The fountain and lake in Clifton Park, where I proposed to Irene.
And the bridge at the foot of the lake is where the proposal took place.
This garden/patio and fountain are the centerpiece of the Inn at Grand Glaize hotel in Lake of the Ozarks, MO.
A picture of the Meramec river flowing in the distance from the top of a large hill.
This is a beautiful picture of the sun setting on Lake Erie, taken by Irene.
Another one by Irene with the sun down behind the trees this time.
An interesting picture of a tree with snow laden branches at night.


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last modified: Friday, July 14, 2000